The Company. Our core Values. Our Beliefs.

We got the tools

We get all the necessary tools in hand to handle our clients’ special demands.

Certified Experience

Our team Consist of Certified, well-experienced engineers and businessmen & women.

Competitive Pricing

We always try to provide most competitive price with lowest available margins.

Lifetime Guarantee

We are responsible against all Guarantee terms and conditions based on Factory policy.

20 Years Experience

With more than 20 yr successful experience in the middle east industrial market

Great Support

ENEREX team will be accessible and in touch 24H/7D/365 for making sure our client at time of any order.

ENEREXE is a Commerce-Engineering Company for the Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, Power Plant, Chemical, Cement, Ferro, Water &Wastewater industries. We can consolidate your supply chain by providing single-source logistics to any international destination on world-leading brands.

With our efficient activities, we have established ourselves in the Middle East market in a short time, and we have made a difference with the products we sell and our after-sales support. We are in the Emirate market with our well-known European, North- American, Far East partners; We are proud to present their products and provide local technical services, to reach our customers honestly and in the best way while doing our work, to satisfy them at the highest level in terms of technical and professional.

It specializes in the supply of products to the energy, oil, petrochemical, and electricity industry sector. With over 15 years of international market experience; with its experienced young and expert management and technical staff; With well-reputed, reliable, and professional international collaborators.




ENEREX has planned a long-term strategy to achieve a high-level position in the market and to be a unique, leader, committed and reliable company in supplying product and engineering services to all potential clients all over the Middle East in the field of Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Electrical, Steel, Power Plant, Chemical Plants.

Our aims are best after-sales service, Customer orientation, and customer satisfaction Providing technology transfer to the country. Please contact our team of experts to obtain the best solutions for your requirements and systems.

ENEREX; Where Local Demands meet Global Solutions.

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